Sunday, April 27, 2008

Someone special

In the path of life we come across many people

Some we never forget.

They are the people who...
Even though at one point may not travel the path with you...
return in the form of warm memories.

People who are special and unforgetful.
Who have made you smile, made your days brighter.

Happy Birthday Zephyr27
May all yours dreams come true.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A glassed fu'ad

Build homes in hearts...
of glass.
Beautiful but very fragile
Easily shattered by a mistrusted stone.
Into thousands, millions of pieces...
forever broken?
Never to be rebuilt?

Time, it will take to put the pieces together again.
A smile, a glimpse
a something
may help.
But how long will it take...
to look upon the glass home once again.
Before its shattered by just a gust of wind.