Monday, October 15, 2007

Mockery? I laugh and laugh and laugh

Sadness…maybe a bit
Hatred…not at all
Just disgust, a bit nasty, but a lot more funny

Seeping throughout the body, like sweet poison
It’s taste, acidic in the mouth
Lingering, sometimes strong, sometimes weak

A promise made,
And then forgotten?
Oh wait, no…ignored

Ignored and let go
Other desires, taking over
Weighing, and the own desire comes out heavier

No excuses or reassurances
No reason given
Letting it go, hoping it could be forgotten

My laughter rises, the slow poison of disgust taking over
A Lesson? A test?
Mind swirls, and I laugh more

What I believed, and what came through
An opened gateway, to something new?
Never expected, thinking otherwise till the end

A fool I maybe, but not the fool they expected me to be
Never do I forget, disgust I hide too well
Just a bit nasty, but more funny
I laugh, laugh and laugh, so hard, as I roll on the floor

1 comment:

Zephyr said...

uh-oh... sounds so sad.