Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lapse of Time

A feeling unreal.

An image completely familiar. Yet so unknown.

Time taking a step back. A break. Observing all.

Yet reserving none.

Not judging. Just reflecting. Sinking. Sinking. Sinking.

What is it I see?

I question.

But to who?

To what I see--- or to what this moment shows me?

Is it a sign? A signal? A message? A call?

Maybe a helping hand...lifting I slowly sink into the depths of superficiality.

Unsettling. But not startling. Strange. But not surprising.

Medley of thoughts. All evaporated. In that frame. At that point.

Just the moment remaining. Hanging in the air.

As quickly as it comes, the moment passes.

Yet the feeling lies deep inside.

Breaking something, far inside.

Releasing something from something deeper still.

Stillness. Silence. Stillness.

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