Sunday, August 31, 2008

The lies, the liars

She loves to lie, that girl.
No, that would be a lie.

She cant stop herself from telling lies.
She starts lying and soon she is buried under their weight.
She carries these lies along with her everywhere.

What makes her do it?
She says they make her feel better.
Do they?
She says they make her feel different?
Do they?
She says they have become part of her.
Not lying she says is like lying to herself.

Lately her lies have become transparent.Independent.
The lies no longer string together.
They have become easily recognizable.

Everyone always knew she lied.
But now they know that everyone knows that she lies.

Now they see her and say,
here is the girl who lies.
They move away from her, whispering.
Shunning her.

But she laughs, the girl.

For she knows.
Not only her, everyone else also had always been lying.
That everyone is a liar.

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