Sunday, March 1, 2009


How easily we give labels.
She is nice. She is mean.
He is good. He is bad.
She is an animal lover. He is a soccer fanatic.
And we change them so quickly too.
She is nice one today. And mean the next day.
And we all give different labels.
One says she is nice, the other says she is mean.
But what defines being nice. Being mean. Being a soccer fanatic.
And really, is that all a person is. Nice. Mean. Bad. Good. This. Or that.
How easily we throw such adjectives out without considering what they really mean.
And whether they constitute the entire person.
What they are like in the many instances of their life. What they do every moment.
What all they have experienced, or are experiencing. What conditions they live in.
How they react. What they say. What they think. What they feel.
Really, is it enough to see the few instances of their life.
Is that enough, to really know them, understand them.
Is that enough, to label them.
And is that label enough to describe the whole person that they are?

1 comment:

Ranjith said...

definitely not.. he he :-)
nice blog... and hey super nice profile...
u read a looooooot!! that's what i thot after that profile...
and your likes of the "happy faces" was the best...
good post... things we keep thinking about others and our conclusions!!